Tuesday, 20 December 2011

The Best new Band in Britain .......................... SULK

It takes a lot nowadays for me to listen to the generic radio friendly so called indie music coming out of England. That's why ive delved into my past to write up on the bands gone by From the Britpop era to The Madchester movement from the early 90s. For a band to make me want to do a write up on them it means they are something special. But there is one new band who is creating something so amazing i have been moved to do this little write up.

And that band is ....... SULK

It seems i have been waiting for many, many years for a group to make music that i would call inspiring but
sulk have done this with only 2 songs. When i first heard "Wishes" it sent all my hopes of a new dawning
of talent that England has been missng for over 15 years and made them come true!

Taking all elements from our music hertiage ( Psych , Madchester, Britpop and so much more) they have
created something that i can once believe in again, and in doing so they can inspire others and to create and
shape new artists (in which they are one!) .Bands like The Charlatans, Ride, Suede, The roses,  The Verve and slowdive all had something that made them heartfelt and unique. And now SULK have created something to rival these and all the other bands that rose before them.

A new dawn is rising for British music and SULK are the leaders of the pack.

Don't let me down boys......... don't let me down!


Back in bloom

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Removal of Downloads

All of the albums that i upload are my originals and most of them are hard to find. So when i see other bloggs using my downloads and claiming them as my own, i get pissed. That is why why i have now removed then from the blogg.

 If you wish to grab something then please email me and ill pass you the link, and if you use them in your blogg then all i ask is to give me a little mention :)

